Our quest for the history of our common ancestors requires sharing our memories or privileged information.
We need you.
Let us know about the existence of your personal research and achievements or other documents that may be of interest to the great Marcil - Mercille families.
Are there good reasons for members of the Marsil family to visit your region and on what occasion? Do you have cultural or social activities to suggest to the Association?
The best way to update this collaboration is to become a member of our association, which provides many advantages, including the following:
Participation in cultural, social and regional activities, a link from our site to your personal web page, full control over the Association and its development, the right to publish a short personal biography for your posterity, the possibility to negotiate a sponsorship space for your business (professional card).
In addition, your membership in the A.D.A.M. will help finance our research and management operations.
Membership form to print, fill and mail with your subscription.