Our database currently contains more than 15,000 names of descendants of Marsil / Marcil / Mercille and their families collected from members of the A.D.A.M. and a good part of which is courtesy of Mrs. Diane Chartrand Marcil who has compiled it voluntarily for many years.
From the coordinates already recorded, this bank makes it possible to trace an ascending line to our common ancestor André Marsil and to make the link to two previous generations of Marsil in Saint-Omer in France.
Our database software makes it possible to create very complete files concerning the persons related to all the descendants of André and Marie, our common ancestors. We can insert photos, BMD (Parish) acts and relevant genealogy information.
We therefore request your collaboration in order to increase the data already entered.
Download our genealogy data collection form that you may have already completed but on which you may be able to add other information.
If you have never completed one, we would greatly appreciate receiving information about your family.
Be the family's reference.
• Compile the places and dates of birth, baptism, marriage, common-law, divorce, death, burial of those around you.
• Write a short biography of your family's ancestors, adding the places where they lived, the profession, one or two photos of them or their family home, etc.
• Notify us when there are deaths.
• Give a copy of the form to your brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts or any other person in your family.
• Do not hesitate to contact us with any genealogy question and send your file to the genealogy committee.
Entrust this data to us and we undertake that it will only be used for genealogy purposes for our association. Our database is not accessible to the public, it is used to provide information to people who are looking for their ancestors and who request it.
The Marsil-Marcil-Mercille family is large and we would like our database to reflect as many members of this beautiful family as possible. Thus future generations interested in genealogy will have a reliable source to trace the Marcil / Mercille.
It is important to perpetuate the memory and the worship of our ancestors .... one day each of us will be an ancestor.